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House Rules and T&Cs

OK.. so we know that this bit is a little boring, but it does help to make things run smoothly. So.. here are our house rules:

  •  Booking procedures – We have found that many of you use different points of contacts for booking sessions and general admin enquiries. This system has caused us a few problems on occasions where things have been missed. In order to ensure consistency could all enquiries be directed through our email or by phone on 01722 654455. Alex our office manager will be able to answer any questions and deal with bookings. 


  • Invoicing/Payments – We have now set up an automated online booking and payment system which should make life a lot easier. Payment is also accepted by BACS. Can we remind you that payment is required before your studio session commences.  


  • Parking – Oakley Business Park is made up of a number of units whose occupants work outside of normal working hours in the evenings and weekends. This means that they require access to their buildings, particularly our direct neighbour in Unit 7. Please can you ensure you park away from Unit 7 allowing them access.


  • Noise – Whilst there is a degree of sound proofing of the studio, sound can still carry right through the buildings, and does impact on our neighbours, particularly as they work in the evenings and weekends. We are very fortunate that they are all very supportive and understanding, however on occasions some bands have been playing far too loudly and we have had complaints. It’s important that you consider noise levels, as our neighbour’s patience could begin to wear thin, and the future of the studio could be compromised. Please, please consider this. It’s a rehearsal space so you shouldn’t need to play excessively loud. 


  • Kitchen Facilities – We are happy for you to access the kitchen to use the tap for water. Beyond that we ask that you do not use the facilities in the Kitchen. The coffee, tea making facilities and refreshments are solely for All The Kit Limited staff. 


  • Rubbish – We had provided a rubbish bin in the studio, but had not envisaged the amount of rubbish, bottles and cans that gets deposited in this on a daily basis. Clearing all this rubbish has been taking more and more time, particularly when having to sort through it all for recycling. We now ask that, going forward, you take your rubbish away with you at the end of your sessions. 


  • Studio equipment – As you know we try hard to provide good quality equipment in the studio for your use. For example, you will have seen a really nice new drum kit arrive recently which cost A LOT of money. It would be much easier and cheaper for us to supply substandard kit on the basis that it will get a hard life. We don’t however agree, we feel it’s important that you all have access to a high standard of equipment. In return, all we ask is that you care for it as if it were your own. 


  • Locking the gate – Another thing that has caused a few grumbles from neighbours is that the estate gate has been frequently left unlocked at night. This was partly our fault for not reinforcing this during induction sessions. As a reminder, if you are the last booking of the night, or Sunday afternoons, can you please remember to lock the gate on the way out. You should have been given the gate code during induction, please contact us if you have forgotten the code. 

  • CCTV - It should be noted that we have a lot of CCTV cameras in our premises. Some you will be obvious and some will not but all areas (ok... not the loo) are covered. All the cameras have microphones inbuilt as this makes it much easier to catch criminal if we have a break-in. We do monitor people as they arrive and go, particularly if they are new. We do this just to make sure people have settled in OK and there are no issues. 

  • Painted lines - when you need to access the loos you will be accessing through the warehouse which is a busy working environment. You will see painted lines on the floor of the warehouse. These are there for your safety so please stay within these lines when making your way to the loos (that have no CCTV... promise!) 

  • Made it this far? So you have read all the house rules and we think that deserves a special recognition! We have created a special one-off discount coupon for the first four people like you (I mean people like us really). Just type in MadeItThisFar10 at the checkout and you will get 10% off your booking... we like people who like reading this kind of stuff... you know... manuals, small print, detailed stuff that most people don't read but certain people love... you know who you are... we all deserve these small rewards!

Terms and Conditions
Here are our more formal terms: Click HERE to download

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